Name That Photographer

See if you can NAME THAT PHOTOGRAPHER from the following five clues:

Name That Photographer Graphic1) He was talented at painting and drawing, but had no interested in photography as a child, even though his father tried to encourage him.

2) He created one of the most successful photography books ever published.

3) He was famous for bridging the gap between photojournalism and the use of photography as a means of expression and creativity.

4) He was considered a pioneer in color photography.

5) He was the first person to have a single-artist exhibition of color photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Leave your guess in the comment box below and check back tomorrow to see if you are correct.

Name That Photographer

Name That Photographer GraphicSee if you can NAME THAT PHOTOGRAPHER from the following five clues:

1) This photographer dropped out of school in sixth grade and soon after built his or her first camera.

2) This photographer famously said: “Optimism, unaccompanied by personal effort, is merely a state of mind and not fruitful.”

3) This photographer was born in Wisconsin, moved to Minnesota, then later to Seattle, eventually settling in Los Angeles.

4) To earn money this photographer worked as an uncredited assistant cameraperson for Cecil B. DeMille during the filming of The Ten Commandments.

5) This photographer’s collection at the Library of Congress offers us an extensive look back into our history with more than 2,400 silver-gelatin, first generation photographic prints – some of which are sepia-toned – made from original glass negatives.

Leave your guess in the comment box below and check back tomorrow to see if you are correct.

Name That Photographer

Name That Photographer GraphicSee if you can NAME THAT PHOTOGRAPHER from the following five clues:

1) She was an American photographer born in 1904.

2) She was the first female war correspondent and the first female permitted to work in combat zones.

3) She created this iconic image of Gandhi at his spinning wheel.

Photo of Gandhi at his spinning wheel

4) She was the first Western photographer allowed to take pictures of Soviet industry.

5) She battled Parkinson’s disease for 18 years and died of it at age 67.

Leave your answer in the comment box and find out tomorrow if you are correct!

Name That Photographer

Name That Photographer GraphicSee if you can Name that Photographer from the following five clues:

1) She was born in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1895 to second-generation German immigrants.

2) She contracted polio when she was 7 years old, which left her with a permanent limp. She once said of her altered gait: “It formed me, guided me, instructed me, helped me and humiliated me. I’ve never gotten over it, and I am aware of the force and power of it.”

3) She lived most of her life in Berkeley, California.

4) She was very shy, yet independent and always interested in people.

5) She is best known for her documentary work of the Great Depression and Japanese internment camps like Manzanar, and she co-founded Aperture magazine.

Leave your guess in the comment box and check back tomorrow to see if you are correct.

Name That Photographer

Name That Photographer GraphicSee if you can NAME THAT PHOTOGRAPHER from the following five clues:

1) He was an American photographer born in 1923.

2) He once said, “If a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it’s as though I’ve neglected something essential to my existence, as though I had forgotten to wake up. I know that the accident of my being a photographer has made my life possible.”

3) His portraits are easily distinguished by their minimalist style, where the person is looking squarely in the camera, posed in front of a sheer white background. He is also distinguished by his large prints, sometimes measuring over three feet in height.

4) His obituary published in The New York Times said that “his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America’s image of style, beauty and culture for the last half-century.”

5) His son was famous for writing a book about an exotic and distant land.

Find out if you know the correct answer by clicking here: ANSWER. After you take a peek I’d love to know what you think of this legend’s work. Which are your favorite photographs? If you’d like to see more, click here: MORE PHOTOGRAPHS.