Favorite Five Friday: Ways to Reach a Goal

It’s that time of year when many of us feel inspired to make goals for the year ahead. I’m curious how you approach the challenges you give yourself. What are your Favorite Five Ways to Reach a Goal? Here are mine:

Graphic for Favorite Five Friday Goals

Drop your two cents (or five) in the comment box below and let me know what inspires you to push to the proverbial finish line?


I love, love, LOVE the start of a new year and all the possibilities it brings.

The fresh vibe swirling about always kicks my mental cogs in motion, inspiring me to create long lists of goals for the year–everything from big picture ideas to minutia: places to go, races to run, books to read, acts of kindness to perform, things to learn, projects to launch.

This year is decidedly different, though. This year I have only written one word on my list.

That word is courage.

Graphic of Courage

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You may have noticed that I fell off the face of the blogosphere for a while. I didn’t leap off gracefully like so many talented bloggers who leave clues as to what they’ll be up to and when they’ll be back. I simply disappeared.

For that I apologize, especially to those of you who worried that something terrible happened.

LIfe has just been brimming full of…well…”stuff.” Good stuff. Bad stuff. Regular stuff. Ridiculous stuff. Magical stuff. Mundane stuff. Maybe you can relate.

But this post isn’t to talk about stuff.

This post is to say hello again and to thank you for making 2012 so memorable. One of the highlights of the year for me has been all the conversations we’ve had here on my blog (and yours). Your comments and your lives have inspired and dazzled me in ways you may never know.

For that I am grateful. And I’m grateful for all the connections, virtual and otherwise, blogging has created. It is a gift I do not take for granted.

As 2013 fast approaches, I hope you’ll think about swinging back by on New Year’s Day. Many of you know I LOVE the start of each new year. Woohoo! This year is no different. Except, well, one thing is decidedly different…