Season’s Greetings

Photo of Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen, Colorado

This Thursday’s Picture of the Week is a departure as our family enjoys time together during the holidays. No stories or photos from exotic locales, just a warm Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

To those celebrating the ”Festival of Lights,” Happy Hanukkah, Chanukah, Chanukkah! However you choose to spell it, we hope you delight in its magic. And Merry Christmas, Happy Christmakuh and Happy Kwanza to all of our friends celebrating these joyful and colorful holidays.

Whatever tradition you choose to honor, we hope it’s memorable and meaningful, and we hope it brings you the music of laughter and the warmth of family and friends.

Thanks to all of you for helping make 2011 so great. Here’s to the coming year and all the possibilities that it brings!