I don’t know whether to be thrilled or horrified that an entire year has whizzed by since launching this blog, but here I am one hundred and twelve posts later, celebrating my one-year blogiversary.
Don’t worry, I won’t navel gaze too much about this milestone. Mostly I just want to say, “Thank you,” to all my fabulous followers who have made this adventure so gratifying.
I thought it might also be fun to share the three things I found most surprising about blogging this year. Here’s what knocked my socks off…
The depth of the connections I have made with fellow bloggers and blog followers. I never imagined I could, or would, become friends with so many wonderful people; I mean seriously interesting, caring, unique people. People with a passion for the written word and talent beyond compare. People with humor, wit and wisdom. People who have been supportive beyond reason and always inspire me to be a better writer and person.
The far reaches my blog. I had no idea that somebody in Kazakhstan, Madagascar or New Caledonia would ever read my blog, or that dozens of people in Uganda, Kuwait, Mongolia, Nigeria, or Saudi Arabia would ever find it. How cool is that people from all over the globe have swung by to check it out? I try to imagine what these readers might look like and what they might think when The Art of an Improbable Life pops up on their computer screens. Blogging has literally opened up the entire world for me to share my words and my husband’s photographs.
The doors it has opened, the conversations it has started, the freedom it has given me to share my writing without waiting for the approval of a magazine editor or literary agent. Blogging has forced me to become a quicker thinker, and it has given me the confidence and discipline to pursue writing from many different angles. It has handed me numerous opportunities, which I’ve been thrilled to jump at, even when those opportunities may have left me feeling like a school girl on the first day of class at times. If it weren’t for taking that great leap into the blogosphere, I never would have started or completed several projects, including our book, Steve & i.
Now I’m curious about your experiences. What has surprised you most about blogging? What are your experiences in the blogosphere–either as a writer or as a follower or both? Leave me a comment. I’d love to know what you think. As I mentioned, connecting with you is the best part of blogging!
Want to know what my most popular posts or pages were over this past year (based on the number of times each was viewed)? I was surprised by a few. You can click on any link below if you’d like to take a peek.
1) Tribute to Steve Jobs (Part One and Part Two)
2) Favorite Five Friday: Quotes
3) In The Name of Love: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.
4) About the Author (huh?)
5) Africa’s Beautiful Bag Lady
6) Artists with a Sense of Humor
7) Happy Birthday, Nelson Mandela!
8 ) Book Review: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
9) A Tasty 10-Step Recipe for Creative Success
10) The Other Man: An Unlikely Valentine’s Love Story
11) Apple-icious News and a Contest to Celebrate It
12) Let Freedom Ring
13) Is Social Media Killing Your Creativity?
14) A Bazillion Things That Make Me Happy and Grateful
15) If Life (and Ebook Publishing) is Mount Everest, Then Attitude is Everything
16) Favorite Five Friday: Books
17) Thursday’s Picture of the Week: The Winning Caption is…
18) Thursday’s Picture of the Week: Morocco
19) Draw Your Lines Any (Damn) Way You Like, Sweet Bug
20) My Crash Course in Living Through the Lens
Happy Anniversary to your blog, Becky.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your wonderful work and your husband’s of course!
It’s fun seeing Olivia grow into a beautiful young lady too.
Keep up the good work!
Many thanks, Ann! I can’t believe it has been a year already since I launched my blog! Time flies…
Yay! Congratulations!
Thanks, Jenni!
Always enjoy your comments and photo’s.
Thanks, Tom. It’s nice to hear from you! It’s been a while. I hope all is going well with your writing and art.
Congratulations, Becky, on your first anniversary. Here’s to many more!
Thank you, Monica! Blogging has been fun because of people like you. So glad we met!
Happy blogiversary! I love your blog, Becky. Your posts are entertaining and thought-provoking, and you include breathtaking photos. I’m always happy to see a new post pop up!
I have been blogging for 9 months. I, too, have been bowled over by the wonderful people I’ve connected with, and with how people from around the world read what I have to say. I’m reminded daily of all of our interconnectedness.
Thank you, Tina! It has been fun getting to know you through your blog. I appreciate all that you bring to it every day.
I agree about the connectedness we all feel from blogging. It’s one of the many reasons why it’s so gratifying.
Happy anniversary! Its a huge milestone actually. mine is two months away. Its been such an incredible experience. Though, unlike you , I don’t have a huge accomplishment like a book to show for it…. I too have found some incredible people through it. happy blogging ! Hope you read many more incredible milestones with this blog
Many thanks, and thank you for nominating me for the Kreative Blogger Award. I just saw that. I’m honored!
The first post I read in your blog was of Jeffrey’s experience with Steve Jobs. And after that I have read almost every single post of yours. I really appreciate the efforts you put in to your posts. You have tried every genre of writing in your blog and you came out successful each time. It’s really commendable. Congrats on completing one year in this blogging world, and thank a lot for making apart of your world. Here’s to many more year!
I meant to say- thanks a lot for Making us a part of your world!
Arindam, you as so kind. Thank you! I appreciate your support and all that you bring to this blogging community.
Happy Anniversary my dear friend! I’ve loved reading your blog since day one! Thank you for encouraging me to join the blogging world–it’s been a wild ride, too. I’ve learned so much over this past year (my one year blogiversary is coming up soon) but even more important, I’ve met so many wonderful writers along the way. I don’t think I would have jumped on the blog wagon if not for all of the wisdom, help and encouragement that you’ve offered me, so THANK YOU! Here’s to another productive year!
Thank you, Jessica! You have been my #1 supporter since the beginning, and that means a great deal. I’m glad we could try to figure this out together. It has made the ride a lot of fun, huh?
Hi Becky, Congratulations on your anniversary! Wow you have accomplished a lot this past year — including, quite commendably, the publication of your book! As you know, I am a big fan. So happy to have connected with you through the amazing world of cyberspace. I was just over at Jessica’s blog, and congratulating her for the same milestone! And I can say with complete confidence, the blogging world is a better place for having you two in it.
Thanks, Melissa. You are too kind. I hope your summer went well, and I hope we get to read all about it soon!
I’ve missed you and your dazzling gift of words.
Happy anniversary! You do have a wonderful and unique blog.
Thank you, Tracey! You are one of those fellow bloggers I mentioned who inspires me and makes me want to be a better person.