See Part One in my 10/11/11 Post
FEBRUARY 1984: After calling the magazine to tell them what has transpired, Jeffrey is on a plane heading to Cupertino, CA. The editor is stunned by the access Jeffrey has been given. Jobs has been notorious for being private and avoiding the media.
For Jeffrey, the magazine assignment becomes much less important than capturing an exciting moment in time, knowing Steve Jobs and his family of co-workers, are creating one of the coolest things he has ever seen: a personal computer that’s small enough to sit on a desk, and one that can be used by anyone, not just scientists, business people, or computer geeks. The drawing and painting capabilities alone have him dazzled, not to mention the the word processing.
Jeffrey spends a week at Apple headquarters and photographs like a fly on the wall. One of Jobs’ colleagues questions why Jeffrey is being allowed into proprietary meetings, but Jobs insists. “He’s my friend and you can trust him, so he’s staying. Now let’s move.”

Steve Jobs leading his team in a meeting at Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, CA, 1984. ©Jeffrey Aaronson.
Read the rest of this story and enjoy many rarely-seen photographs of Steve Jobs in our ebook, Steve & i, which is now available on Amazon for the Kindle devices, Barnes & Noble for the NOOK and iTunes for iDevices.
Becky, another beautiful post. And again, told with so much detail for your husband’s life and work… Jeffrey is a lucky man. To have a wife like you to remember, record and recount these stories is a gift.
You put it together beautifully, and I loved the little details, especially lines like these, “Jobs insists. ‘He’s my friend and you can trust him, so he’s staying. Now let’s move.’” And the powerful story of the jeans and the wine… great details.
Again, you can feel the love and admiration you have for Jeffrey and his work. It was a pleasure to read.
Melissa, you always write the most thoughtful comments. Thank you. Jeffrey and I are both lucky. We’ve always worked well as a team, but also cherish our solo time (and projects). I think that’s one of the reasons we appreciate each other so much. And this tribute to Steve Jobs was truly a privilege to write, trying to capture how this extraordinary person made such an impact on Jeffrey.
Thank you for this wonderful back story on someone who made technology accessible to so many. I’ve always been a Mac person and always will be. I had to chuckle when I saw that the first one was 128K. What a laugh! But I was happy when you reminded us that their first motto was “Think Different.” Something that applies in any field in any decade.
So glad you enjoyed it, Julie. And yes, “Think Different” is one for the ages!
I am so glad to have discovered you and the extraordinary stories you share via your blog. It begs to be shared.
Of all the reminiscences I’ve read about Steve Jobs, this is one of the best. It says a lot about Jeffrey that Jobs took such a liking to him. The photos of Steve in such candid moments are rare (to the public) and priceless. Thanks so much for sharing.
I’m glad this tribute resonated with you. I appreciate you taking the time to let us know.
Thank you Steve Jobs. Your physical being is no longer with us but the resonance of your imagination will live on.
Feel quite lucky to have stumbled on these two stories. I’m 75 years old and it’s because of people like Steve Jobs that I look forward to the future.
I’m glad you stumbled upon this story too. Steve Jobs inspired us all!
Thank you so much for sharing with us all!
You are welcome. I’m glad you found our tribute.
Awesome post… not only because its in loving memory of my hero Steve Jobs… but the way u presented it. Please post if any more parts available. And also thanks to Jeffrey for such lovely photographs of The real hero Mr. Steve Jobs
Glad you enjoyed this glimpse of Steve Jobs. There is much to celebrate about this extraordinary human being.
I finally teared up at the logo. I love that…what a poignant gift to leave us all.
The logo says it all.
Absolutely amazing story(s). Just blows my mind that Jeffrey could consider Steve Jobs a friend, not just a “friend” on Facebook. “Wow!”
Life is full of amazing gifts! Jeffrey’s friendship with Steve Jobs was one of them.
I often receive comments via email from readers too. I thought I’d post a few of those comments too. Many thanks for your kind words and for your interest in what we we are doing.
Brian says: “Becky, This is pretty powerful stuff, offers up a bit of reflection on which bus we chose to step aboard.”
Jane says: “All your posts are good–This one is historical.”
Anonymous says, “Love todays Blog, thanks for sharing. Of course it was meant to be.
Tell Jeffrey I’m sorry for the loss of his friend. It makes me teary eyed thinking about it.”
Been meaning to comment sooner…love your blog and the ones about Steve Jobs were heartwrenching and beautiful. Love seeing Jeffrey in his travels.
Mary Hayes in Aspen
Thank you, Mary. I’m so happy you are enjoying my blog. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and let me know you’re following it. As you know, our hearts are still closely attached to Aspen, and always will be!
Becky, I am so in awe of you and Jeffrey and enjoyed the two posts about Steve Jobs immensely.
Dorothy, thank you for your kind words, and for taking the time to comment. I’m glad you enjoyed this story so much. It was a labor of love, done with both a heavy and a happy heart.
What a great post! Thank you for the stories and the photos.
Glad you enjoyed it, Lisa. Steve Jobs was an exceptional person.
What a wonderful piece Becky! A poignant reminder of what we have lost with the passing of Steve Jobs…and of course, another great Jeffrey story!
I think Steve Jobs’ passing has stirred up a lot in many of us. I put this piece together with a heavy heart, but also with utter joy, celebrating a human being who took life by the reins.
I love that Steve was under extreme deadline pressures, but still found time to go skiing!!
Priorities, my friend, priorities! : -) I don’t know how he pulled that off, but if he hadn’t, surely Jeffrey never would have met him, at least in this capacity. Some things are just meant to be.
I’m sure we all want more. Is there a part 3? I love the convergence of talent and good fortune.
I’m not sure I could even put Part Three into words. I think I’ll leave it up to your imagination. : -)