$30 Amazon Gift Card Holiday Giveaway

Just in time for the holidays, I am giving away a $30 Amazon gift card to one of my lucky followers. It’s my way of saying, “Thank you for all your support this year.”

Amazon Gift Card GraphicIt’s simple. Just answer this question:

Which famous movie actor is featured on a billboard Jeffrey photographed in Thailand?

For those who missed that post, the answer is easily found on this blog. Just go back through previous posts until you find it. Hint: Thursday’s Picture of the Week might be a good place to start.

Each person who correctly leaves his or her answer in the comment box will be entered into the random drawing.

Here’s the interesting part: if you want to increase your chances of winning, you can also do a few simple things listed below!

Photo of a horse sleigh in winter

LIKE ME on FACEBOOK and your name will be entered another time.

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER  @wordmuse and TWEET the message below and your name will be entered yet another time.

Tweet this message:

The Art of an Improbable Life is giving away a free $30 Amazon Gift Card: http://wp.me/p1I3pI-US

SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TO MY BLOG and your name will be entered another time. All you have to do is type in your email address underneath the calendar on the right side of my blog. Once you receive an email from “The Art of an Improbable Life,” just hit the “confirm subscription” button and you’re done. If you’ve already signed up for my blog you will automatically entered again.

The winner’s name will be announced on Tuesday, December 20th–just in time to do some last-minute shopping.

Remember, the more you do, the more chances you have of winning. Good luck! I can’t wait to spread my holiday cheer!

63 thoughts on “$30 Amazon Gift Card Holiday Giveaway

  1. Wish I could participate!!*sighs* Don’t have a US Amazon account..any chance you are going to have another gift card contest…say for 30 Pounds Amazon card? :P well..anyways..good luck to those who hv entered!
    By the way, I am also having holiday giveaways on my blog, hop over if u feel like:

    Komz@The Review Girl
    Twitter: @thereviewgirl

  2. Well I already ‘like’ you, we’re connected on Twitter . . . and did you know that said famous actor (yes, Richard Gere) has a home (not to mention a spiffy restaurant/inn) in Bedford, NY, which is in the same general exurban locale where I live?

    • Deborah, thanks for taking part in the fun. You are now officially entered into the drawing several times. Good luck to you! Interesting tidbit about RG. Have you bumped elbows? I’ve heard he’s a nice and interesting person.

  3. Becky:

    First and foremost… I love the blog. I started reading after your Steve Jobs posts and I’ve been hooked ever since. The perfect balance of interesting writing and wonderful eye candy!

    As for the contest… I liked, I followed, I tweeted, I signed up… and I swooned … over Richard Gere! :)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win… and for the wonderful blog, seeing a post from you in my feed reader makes my day!


    • Stu, since she’s still so young and doesn’t have much control over her life yet, I wanted to keep that personal just for her. Guess it’s my mama bear instincts. You’ll just have to smile and know it was meaningful to her (and us). :-)

  4. I knew it was Richard Gere even before I saw these other comments. I also just liked you on FB. And I had already signed up to subscribe (which is how I knew about this post) and have been following you on Twitter for ages (ok, maybe weeks). Hope that all counts for something! Thanks!

  5. Hi Becky – not cribbing the others’ comments, I truly did click back, back, back in time – because that’s what you’re looking for, the clicks, not just the answer. AND am going to follow and retweet. Good luck on getting lots of traffic. :-)

  6. Richard Gere.
    But i am just answering it, i am not participating in this competition. And i answered it in a much simpler way than going back to your previous posts. If you want i can share that how i did this. :)

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